Pole dancer made up as KISS singer Gene Simmons reveals 'road rage'

Pole dancer made up as KISS singer Gene Simmons reveals ‘road rage’ incident as she drove to rock band-themed performance

  • Charlotte Wood, 22, was on her way to a the show with her face painted like KISS 

A pole dancer made-up as KISS singer Gene Simmons for an erotic rock performance was confronted as she drove her car.

Charlotte Wood, 22, was on her way to a the show with her face painted like the US musician when the encounter unfolded on Saturday.

She was driving along Sutherland Road, Longton, when she says a middle-aged man in a Skoda suddenly stopped in front of her.

Her video shows him getting out of his car and then marching up to her rain-splattered window and says something to her.

He then returns to his car before Charlotte flips the camera to reveal her black and white face as she films her own surprised reaction.

She said:  ‘I have absolutely no idea why this man was so angry, maybe he just wasn’t a KISS fan. I hope he finds his inner calm.

Charlotte Wood, 22, was on her way to a the show with her face painted like the US musician

Her video shows him getting out of his car and then marching up to her rain-splattered window and says something to her

‘I’m a pole dancer and I was driving to a show where we do an adult group performance dressed as the band KISS. I was driving down Sutherland Road and my turning was barricaded off due to an event on the car park.

‘So I pulled over to the side and when I could make a U-turn I did so – the man drove past me and looked at me, to which I had no reaction as I too would stare at Gene Simmons driving a Mini in Stoke-on-Trent.

‘Anyway, the coast was clear so I drove off behind the blue Skoda. As soon as I turned my wheel he slammed his brakes on – the traffic was building up behind at this point. I can’t believe I didn’t hit him or nobody went into the back of me at this was a sudden stop.

‘He then got out of his car. I was on my own so I immediately started recording as I didn’t know what this middle aged angry man was going to do or say. He got out of the car looking very agitated.

He then returns to his car before Charlotte flips the camera to reveal her black and white face as she films her own surprised reaction

Charlotte is a pole dancer and is seen here in some more traditional make up then on the drive

‘He marched up to my window and shouted. I said ‘what did you say?’, to which he replied almost calmly ‘carry on’.

‘I said ‘sir, you’re wearing a wolf shirt’. He then got in his car and drove off. I parked my car on the nearest car park, I touched up my Gene Simmons make up, and posted the ordeal on my social media.

‘Firstly, I wanted to make people laugh at the extremely random occurrence and secondly, it was a friendly reminder crazy-eyed middle aged men will shout at young women at any chance they get.

‘At this point I thought the ordeal was over, only I looked up to see the man in his blue Skoda driving around the car park and circling me. I don’t know how many times he had done this in the 15 minutes I was in my car.

‘I was a bit shook up because I didn’t know if I got out of my car whether he would be waiting to pounce on me. I waited until my friends arrived so we could then walk out together just in case.

‘I can’t help but wonder what the man would have done or said if I wasn’t filming. He had the craziest look in his eye. And to then drive around Longton trying to find or intimidate me is a little nonsensical.’

Charlotte told the Stoke Sentinel she attempted to report the incident to Staffordshire Police via 101 but says she was kept on hold for too long.

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