A ONE-off payment worth £185 is set to hit thousands of bank accounts in the coming weeks.
Councils across the country are offering to help out Brits who are struggling with money as we approach Christmas.
The cash comes via the Household Support Fund (HSF) which is worth £842million.
Councils in England have been given a share of the fund and are distributing it to residents in need.
That means what you are entitled to varies depending on where you live, but in most cases you will receive help if you are on a low income or benefits.
City of York Council is one of those, and is paying out £185 next month as part of the HSF.
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Locals who the council thought might be eligible were sent an email at the end of April.
These people are working-age households who get council tax support.
Those people and families would have received one lot of £185, and are set to see another lump sum arrive in their bank account next month.
However, people who are struggling and missed out on the cash can apply for another grant by March 31, next year.
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There are conditions though – families must be in need of “urgent financial assistance and not have enough income or savings to meet the eligible costs the scheme can help with”.
It comes as thousands of households in Leeds were told they could get £100 free cash in cost of living payments.
Just days ago it was also revealed millions of households will start receiving a tax-free payment worth £300 within days.
The cost of living payment from the Government is being made to Brits on certain benefits including Universal Credit.
Those eligible won't have to do anything as it will land in accounts automatically between October 31 and November 19.
The tax-free cash will show up in bank statements as your National Insurance number followed by either DWP COL or HMRC COLS.
Households on tax credits eligible for the payment will receive it from HMRC instead of the DWP between November 10 and 19.
Those eligible won't have to do anything as it will land in accounts automatically between October 31 and November 19.
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The tax-free cash will show up in bank statements as your National Insurance number followed by either DWP COL or HMRC COLS.
Households on tax credits eligible for the payment will receive it from HMRC instead of the DWP between November 10 and 19.
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