Jamie Olivers recipe for microwave chocolate puddings with an oozy middle

There are so many ways to bake chocolate into a sweet treat and melt-in-the-middle puddings are just one of them.

While the microwave-at-home kind is easy to find in most supermarkets, British chef Jamie Oliver has the perfect recipe anyone can replicate at home.

His expert formula comprises eggs, sugar, butter, flour and your chocolate bar of choice to make a “beautifully fluffy chocolate sponge with an outrageously oozy middle”.

Sharing the recipe on his website, Jamie claimed: “For me, these feel like a proper restaurant dessert, without the price tag.”

Not only are these mug-cake-style treats super easy to make but also take a mere 10 minutes from start to finish.

READ MORE: Make ‘intense’ chocolate brownies using 6 ingredients including cocoa powder


Serves four:

  • 100g dark chocolate
  • 100g unsalted butter (cold)
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 80g self-raising flour
  • One large egg
  • Your favourite chocolate bar
  • 150 ml double cream or crème fraîche , to serve

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Jamie Oliver’s microwave chocolate puddings

Before making the batter, find four small microwave-proof cups that are even in size.

Then, snap the dark chocolate into a large mixing bowl and carefully cut the cold butter into small cubes.

Tip the butter into the bowl followed by the sugar and microwave in 30-second blasts on medium heat (600W), stirring every time until the chocolate has completely melted.

Complete the mixture by folding in the flour along with a pinch of sea salt, then crack and beat in the egg.

Divide the sweet batter between the microwave cups, break the chocolate bar into four chunks and push into the mixture.

Microwave the cups in pairs on high (800W) for one minute 15 seconds, or until risen and gooey in the middle.

Carefully remove the cups from the microwave and leave them to cool slightly.

Drizzle with the double cream or dollop over the crème fraîche and serve straight away.

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