Forget Spotify Wrapped… singletons are now doing DATING wrapped

Forget Spotify Wrapped… singletons are doing DATING wrapped on TikTok

  • The music apps yearly round up has inspired a different kind of wrapped
  • READ MORE: Expert reveals red flags that show you could be dating a narcissist 

The moment that music fans wait for all year has finally arrived… Spotify Wrapped 2023 went live this week.

Wrapped lets you dig deep into your past 12 months of musical obsessions, revealing your trendy or tragic listening habits.

Users can explore their top artists, songs, albums, podcasts, and total listening time.

However, last year, the music app’s yearly round up seems inspired a different kind of wrapped on TikTok for those who’s love lives are often hectic – and it’s popping up again for 2023.

TikTokers are posting their ‘Dating Wrapped’ – a summary of the best and worst of the romance they’ve experienced this year, including how many people they’ve kissed, how many first dates they’ve been on and even how many times they cried.

TikTokers are posting their ‘Dating Wrapped’ – a summary of the best and worst of the romance they’ve experienced this year, including how many people they’ve kissed, how many first dates they’ve been on and even how many times they cried

Sharing your favourite songs is one thing – sharing the ins and outs of your love life really takes it to the next level. 

The trend involves creating a powerpoint presentation to share with your followers – even going as far as creating graphs and charts and comparing successes to last year.

One TikToker from the US, who posted her version of the video this week, got 1.3 million views.

Raquel Debono, who goes by ‘@raqraqcityb*****’ on the video sharing app, had her presentation ready on her TV as she broke down her dating statistics to her followers.

She said ‘Welcome everyone, thank you so much for joining me today, it is time for Dating Wrapped 2023 so let’s go into it.

‘From the notes app in my iPhone because I have been working on this list all year.

‘First off, there were seven first dates, seven first dates in 2023. That is a 29.2% increase from 2022, where I had three first dates and 2021 where I had fourteen first dates.

‘We found a common ground and that is good to know, it is all about finding that in between’.

One TikToker from the US, who posted her version of the video this week, got 1.3 million views

She continued ‘We had three second dates total in the year 2023 and thirteen dates in general that I went on dates with so that’s pretty good news. 

‘I dunno how I got from seven to three to thirteen yet but we love a recycle moment.’

Moving on to where she met her suitors, she revealed it was 18% at school and work, 28% on the dating app Ria and 9% on Hinge.

‘That’s a complete decrease,’ she told viewers ‘TikTok 18% and mutual friends in person, 27%’.

Adding ‘So we can notice a pattern, 2023 seems to be the year of the in person meet and greet, so that 27% number is up from 0% the previous year – those are some pretty big numbers.

‘So, credit where credits due, one Hinge date, which equated to 9% is pretty wild.’

She continued ‘Boys who made me cry, this is the true Olympics of Dating Wrapped. If you made me cry this year, congratulations – that’s all four of you, I’m watching you’.

Next, she shared the number of boys who she thought would be my boyfriend, which was three. 

Hanna Otto, who’s originally from Hungary but lives in London, shared her ‘Dating Wrapped’ earlier this week, amassing more than 400,000 views

ladies and gentlemen that’s a wrap 🤡 #foryoupage #fyp #foryou #trending #viral #datingwrapped #datingwrapped2023 #dating #londondating #datinginlondon

The TikToker commented ‘Those are solid numbers I mean, lead me on, make me think I’m gonna be your girlfriend.’

Finally, she concluded the clip with a slide that read ‘Actual boyfriends – zero’.

Commenters joked ‘My dating wrapped will be one slide’ and ‘I keep a spreadsheet called my PBI (Potential Boyfriend Index)’.

Others questioned her math skills, with one user chiming in with ‘Wait wait wait isn’t it 133% increase from 2022’ and another adding ‘right! I knew the math wasn’t matching here.’

It’s not just Americans that are hopping on the trend as people from around the world are also sharing their dating wins and mishaps.

Hanna Otto, who’s originally from Hungary but lives in London, shared her ‘Dating Wrapped’ on TikTok earlier this week, amassing more than 400,000 views.

As well as her number of first dates, she also shared a pie chart to show ‘the vibes’ of each date and whether they were bearable, awful or really good.

She even put together a ‘ghost chart’ to reveal who ‘ghosted’ who after each first date, with viewers commenting ‘this was hysterically hilarious’ and ‘you truly are a QUEEN’.

Just turned jnto a massive roast really #2023datesunwrapped #dating2023unwrapped

Talia Webb from Nottingham, revealed the jobs, ages and heights of the men she went on dates with this year

READ MORE: Taylor Swift is crowned the most listened to artist on Spotify Wrapped as the top artists and songs of 2023 are revealed by the streaming giant

Talking about her worst date of the year, she said ‘The worst date happened with a finance bro from Canary Wharf who proceeded to tell me in detail how he makes £70k, regardless of him being an intern.

‘I truly wish that for him to be true but I just personally don’t think the math was mathing there.

‘He also complimented my heels but highlighted the fact he’s very glad they’re not red because red heels are often worn by actual w***** – I wasn’t really sure what to say to that’.

Some daters broke down the statistics around the characteristics of who they dated.

Talia Webb from Nottingham, took to TikTok to reveal the jobs, ages and heights of the men she went on dates with this year.

She told viewers ‘So top of the leaderboard, we had one 6ft 3 – well done mate, shame you only got one date isn’t it, but you were an absolute trooper, liked you a lot.

‘We then had eight 6ft 2’s, we love a 6ft 2 they are absolutely stunning man, it’s a shame none of them are around any more’.

Talking through their jobs, she said ‘One footballer, lovely start thank you, two brokers, lovely stuff, we’ve got one zoo keeper – what the hell was that about?

‘One of them was a PE teacher, we love that, one of them was a personal trainer, very sexy guy, three were students or unemployed’.

Commenters wrote ‘this was so entertaining’ and  ‘I need to do this’.

Another added ‘Love this I wanna do it next year!,’ meanwhile someone else tagged their friend, writing ‘please do this’.

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