Dating experts reveal the profile photo blunder losing you matches

Dating experts reveal the item that will make people reject you if they spot it in your profile photo – so, are YOU at risk of losing matches?

  • UK-based dating app Haypp polled 2,000 singletons on their biggest turn-offs
  • READ MORE: The sure-fire way to REALLY put a man off you

Your smoking habits could be the real reason why you’re not getting hundreds of matches on dating apps, new research suggests.

UK dating app Haypp polled 2,000 people on their biggest turn offs when it comes to finding potential romance online.

The results showed that nearly two thirds of Britons would swipe left on a potential partner if they smoked – and it’s not good news for vapers either.

According to the findings, 54 per cent would instantly cut off a singleton if their dating profile included photos of themselves with a vape in their hand.

But it’s good news for divorcées looking for a date – because 80 per cent of those polled are happy to date a partner who has been married before.

UK-based dating app, Haypp, polled 2,000 singletons on their dating turn-offs – and it’s bad news for smokers and vapers (stock image)

According to ONS, some 6.4 million Brits take up smoking, but new research found it to be one of the biggest turn-offs in dating – which may explain a high rejection rate.

While singletons tend to reject smokers, body shape was much less of a concern.

The research showed that a significant 70 per cent of participants would not judge a potential partner based on their height or weight.

When it came to body modifications, 33 per cent, would prefer their future partners to not have piercings or tattoos, while two thirds were unfazed about these attributes.

UK adults were also open-minded about dating people who have children from a previous relationship, with just one in three claiming that they would turn down someone if they already had a child.

Markus Lindblad, from Haypp, said: ‘Dating can be a difficult field to navigate and it’s interesting to see which attributes we are a little embarrassed or shy about.

‘It’s no surprise to see that bad habits like smoking are something that we do not find attractive and while vaping is a much better choice for your health, it seems like it still has negative impacts on your dating app success.

‘Nicotine patches could be an option for a smoker or vape user that wants to increase their right swipe potential while using a harm reduced nicotine product.’

Haypp also questioned singletons on the traits that they’re most likely to conceal from potential partners.

They found that Brits are most likely to hide their weight, employment status if unemployed, and their future family plans on online dating profiles.

Around 21 per cent would hide each of these attributes as they are too personal.

Other traits people tend to hide include whether they have had the Covid vaccine or not, religious beliefs, and political views.

It comes after UK dating app Finding the One polled 1,500 people on their views on astrology and romance.

Top 10 things people hide from their online dating apps 

1. Weight

2. Being unemployed

3. Family plans

4. That they are a smoker

5. That they vape

6. Gender identity

7. Political views

8. Sexuality

9. Covid vaccine status

10. Dislikes in a potential partner

The results show that one in four daters would instantly turn down potential dates based on their birthday – and it wasn’t good news if you’re a fire sign.

According to the findings, 18 per cent of singles would instantly cut off an Aries singleton, falling to 15 per cent for Sagittarius, and 13 per cent for Leos.

But for those looking to increase their chances of a date, an optimistic outlook on astrology might help secure a partner, as 59 per cent of women find men attractive if they take an interest in astrology – as opposed to sceptics.

Carly, 31, from Bristol, who took part in the study said: ‘I’m yet to meet an Aries who isn’t brutally blunt, and as a particularly sensitive Pisces that’s something I actively try to avoid – it just makes sense to swipe left.

‘When I’ve gone out with signs that are considered compatible with mine, there’s a natural flow and understanding that makes things feel effortless when we meet up.’

While daters tend to avoid the Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo signs, Pisceans are in luck – as those born between February 19 and March 20 are the least likely to be rejected based on their star sign.

Lizzie, a 33-year-old singleton from Cornwall currently on the waiting list for the app, has recently become a follower of astrology.

She said: ‘Admittedly, astrology has played quite a big role in my dating decisions, especially more recently.

‘I was a complete sceptic but during the pandemic I found myself with some extra time – like everyone else, I suppose – and decided to read up on it. Plus, it didn’t help being single and alone during lockdown.

‘I wouldn’t say I’ve totally put my faith in star signs, but I just don’t think we should completely dismiss it.

‘Having read up on character traits for each zodiac, I looked into where some of my friends and exes fall – the descriptions really hit the nail on the head.

‘And since my love life is lacking right now, I’m willing to give anything a go.’

But while the research found women tend to prefer men with an interest in astrology, 65% of men find women keen on star signs a total turn off.

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