I'm A Celebrity's Nella Rose is horrified as rangers have to step in

I’m A Celebrity’s Nella Rose is horrified as rangers have to step in to help her with a clingy snake after difficult Bushtucker Trial

  • Read more: Meet the I’m A Celebrity 2023 campmates! 

I’m A Celebrity’s Nella Rose found herself attached to an unwanted friend at the end of her trial during Tuesday night’s episode. 

As the Bushtucker trial drew to a close, the horror wasn’t over for the TikTok sensation as she realised a snake was clinging to her T-shirt. 

After being locked inside a glass box, Nella attempted to get the correct combination on a range of padlocks while snakes slithered around her. 

After failing to win any stars during the challenge alongside Frankie Dettori, three rangers quickly came to help Nella out of the box as they cautioned her not to move suddenly as there was a snake attached to her. 

As cameras zoomed in, viewers saw the snake had its teeth clamped firmly onto her T-shirt. 

I’m A Celebrity’s Nella Rose was horrified as a snake clings to her T-shirt and rangers had to step in to help her after difficult Bushtucker Trial

During the adrenaline of the challenge Nella hadn’t even realised the snake was clinging on to her, but looked horrified as she turned around and saw the unwanted visitor hanging on

During the adrenaline of the challenge Nella hadn’t even realised the snake was clinging on to her, but looked horrified as she turned around and saw the unwanted visitor hanging on. 

Meanwhile Nella and Frankie looked deflated as they realised they had secured no meals for camp. 

Hosts Ant and Dec looked visibly frustrated throughout the trial as they speculated that there was a complete lack of strategy to the pair’s work. 

While it as Nella’s job to input the combinations into the different padlocks, Frankie was locked inside a box in the pitch black while he used his hands to make out the codes engraved on the wall. 

The jockey would then shout the codes to Nella, yet she failed to open any padlocks successfully. 

As Ant and Dec spoke to viewers live from Australia, Ant couldn’t contain his frustration anymore as he exclaimed: ‘How could they do such a terrible job!’ 

As Dec tried to calm him down, he continued to erupt: ‘What is wrong with these people’ 

Pointing to the crew off camera he said: ‘and all of you work so hard to make such a good trial. Where was the strategy?’ 

As cameras zoomed in, viewers saw the snake had its teeth clamped firmly onto her T-shirt

Three rangers quickly came to help Nella out of the box as they cautioned her not to move suddenly as there was a snake attached to her

After being locked inside a glass box, Nella attempted to get the correct combination on a range of padlocks while snakes slithered around her

During the adrenaline of the challenge Nella hadn’t even realised the snake was clinging on to her, but looked horrified as she turned around and saw the unwanted visitor hanging on

While it as Nella’s job to input the combinations into the different padlocks, Frankie was locked inside a box in the pitch black while he used his hands to make out the codes engraved on the wall

The jockey would then shout the codes to Nella, yet she failed to open any padlocks successfully

Hosts Ant and Dec looked visibly frustrated throughout the trial as they speculated that there was a complete lack of strategy to the pair’s work

As fans took to Twitter they poked fun at Nella’s attempt at the challenge

As fans took to Twitter they poked fun at Nella’s attempt at the challenge. 

One wrote: ‘You have to question whether Nella Rose has ever come across a padlock before… #ImACeleb’.

Other’s compared her to the sloth from the animated film Zootopia as they shared a clip from the film alongside the caption: ‘Nella entering the codes’. 

A third added: ‘Lmao the way nella was just tugging on the locks at the end’.

Another added a clip of Jim Carey with his fingers in his ears as they wrote: ‘Nella ignoring Ant & Dec telling her to try every padlock’.

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